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  • How quickly can we be up and running?
    The program development time varies with the complexity of program. We can be up and running within 48 hours in many cases. If you have a particularly complex program, we may require up to one week to develop marketing strategy which includes formulating the right communications approach to reach your audience, training of our professional call staff, and establishing reporting systems to meet your individual needs.
  • Who supplies the call list?
    You may supply your own list, or we can purchase the list on your behalf through one of our list sources partners. If you supply your own list, we will have ample feedback for you on the first two days of calling regarding the quality of the list and whether the list target parameters are what you expect them to be. We offer as a service to our clients, free research for compiling lists. We will conduct a count of available names in your target audience group along with helping you refine your variables in order to data mine ample names for your program. We will also help you research to find unique specialty lists that will further enhance your program results.
  • How does the process work or how do we get started?
    Your project manager will consult with you on what approach/service will work best to meet your stated sales goals and objectives. For example, is it more effective for your company if we set sales appointments or generate leads? This discussion will also include list parameters and format of reports and leads. We will review your Web site and other marketing materials to assist us in formulating the call guide/approach for your project. You may also supply copies of your own previously utilized call guides/scripts, frequently asked questions and common objections that for incorporation into the program. You will approve the final version of the call guide. We proceed conservatively on start of your new program to ensure that the defined approach and call guide are yielding the results that we expect. If the results are not what we expect, we pause the calling and trial various approaches to maximize results. Our “job” is to create a program that will continue long term to not only meet, but exceed your marketing goals and objectives.
  • How do you choose the callers for my program?
    Dedicated callers are chosen for your program based on their previous experience with similar programs and their interest in your product or service. Using dedicated callers will help leverage and build upon day-to–day experience to maximize success.
  • How do you deliver leads?
    We deliver leads on a daily basis, either via email or through your CRM platform.You will also receive a daily summary report detailing hours used and the disposition/results of each call. We are very flexible and will customize your leads and reports to best fit your needs.
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